
Round Table “Broadcasting arts and culture 2020/2021“

The IMZ Directorate invites IMZ Members to share their recent experiences within the network.

  • Round Table Members | Copyright: © Hans Kraxner / IMZ

    Round Table Members © Hans Kraxner / IMZ

Following the discussion during the General Assembly at Avant Prèmiere, the IMZ Directorate invites all IMZ Members to a Round Table on Thursday 15 April from 15:00-17:00 CET on Zoom.

Hosted by Arild Erikstad (IMZ President) and Katharina Jeschke (IMZ Secretary General), the following key questions will be discussed together:

  • How do broadcasters strengthen the relevance of arts + culture through their channels?
  • What changes in audience behaviour do we observe?
  • Are there new formats to make art + culture visible in audiovisual media?
  • What has Covid-19 taught us so far?

The Round Table is open to all IMZ Members to share their experiences within the network.

IMZ Round Table “Broadcasting arts and culture 2020/2021”
Thursday 15 April 15:00-17:00 CET
on Zoom

Please register to office(at) by 13 April 2021.
Members will receive the Zoom link in a separate email.



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