
Collegium 1704 play Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos

Author: Accentus Music

To mark their 300th anniversary, Accentus Music will record the Brandenburg Concertos in Köthen Castle's restored Hall of Mirrors with Collegium 1704.

  • Collegium 1704 | Copyright: © Petra Hajská

    Collegium 1704 © Petra Hajská

Johann Sebastian Bach's Brandenburg Concertos rank among the most popular works of Baroque music, just like Antonio Vivaldi's "Four Seasons." In 2021, the world celebrates their 300th anniversary. Bach served as music director at Köthen Castle between 1717 and 1723, where, with a fabulous orchestra at his disposal, he was able to compose works of music known for their demanding technical standards.

As a result, Bach's time in Köthen is considered one of the most productive periods of his life, and it was here that he composed works such as The Well-Tempered Clavier, the French and English Suites, and various violin concertos. To mark their 300th anniversary in 2021, Accentus Music will be recording the Brandenburg Concertos in Köthen Castle's restored Hall of Mirrors with Collegium 1704 on historical instruments. Founded by Václav Luks in 2005, the orchestra is one of the most renowned ensembles specializing in baroque music of our time. Given the great stylistic and structural diversity of these concertos, Collegium 1704 is the perfect choice to record this UHD HDR production at this historic location.

J. S. Bach
Brandenburg Concertos, BWV 1046-1051

Collegium 1704
Václav Luks, musical direction

A UHD HDR production of Accentus Music in coproduction with MDR/Arte.

Production Company Accentus Music GmbH
Co-Production Company MDR/Arte
Recording location Hall of Mirrors at Köthen Castle
Orchestra / Band Collegium 1704
Conductor Václav Luks
Composer Johann Sebastian Bach
English title of music work Brandenburg Concertos, BWV 1046-1051



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