
Private Concert at Daniel Barenboim’s home

Author: ARTE G.E.I.E.

Daniel Barenboim invites audiences to his Berlin villa to talk to Annie Dutoit and to play Mozart and Beethoven with his son Michael and cellist Kian Soltani.

  • Daniel Barenboim Private Concert | Copyright: © ARTE / Bel Air Media / M.Mirabel / M.Nante

    Daniel Barenboim Private Concert © ARTE / Bel Air Media / M.Mirabel / M.Nante

For this private concert, maestro Daniel Barenboim leaves the big stage and invites an audience into his villa in Berlin to play the piano in a private atmosphere with his son Michael Barenboim (violin) and his friend Kian Soltani (cello). They perform Beethoven’s “Ghost Trio”. Daniel Barenboim has spent a lifetime working on the Viennese classic. For him, Beethoven is a source of inspiration and part of his musical life.
Between the individual movements, Daniel Barenboim talks to Annie Dutoit about his childhood in Argentina, family, idols, social values and, of course, music. Annie Dutoit, Swiss professor, actress, music journalist and daughter of Martha Argerich has known Daniel Barenboim since her childhood. This private concert is not just an occasion for an intimate chamber music concert, it is also an encounter with the private person Barenboim – a contemporary document that will remain unique in this form.



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