
Jamala’s concert program recorded

QIRIM by Jamala: fourteen ancient songs about the greatness of Crimean Tatar culture and language. The songs are accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra.

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    Jamala_QRIM_1.jpg © IMZ

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    Jamala_QRIM_2.jpg © IMZ

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    Jamala_QRIM_3.jpg © IMZ

Jamala’s concert program QIRIM was recorded at the National Opera of Ukraine. QIRIM - fourteen ancient songs about the greatness of Crimean Tatar culture and language. The songs are accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, conducted by Volodymyr Sirenko.

Crimea and its indigenous peoples endured Russian colonization. For more than half a century, the history and language of the Crimean Tatar people, their folklore and customs lived only in oral family retellings and chants far beyond the borders of Crimea. That’s how the songs from the album have been preserved too. Ukrainian composer Artem Roschenko took care of the modern arrangements, the album was recorded together with conductor Kyrylo Karabyts. Jamala involved the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine in Kyiv and the BBC Philharmonic in Liverpool in the presentation of the album. As a result, classical music performers had the opportunity to discover and rethink the musical heritage of the Crimean Tatars.



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