Tristan und Isolde
Stephan Märki’s brilliant production opens up space into the infinity of the universe.
Richard Wagner called love “the most beautiful of all dreams”. Stephan Märki‘s vision of Tristan and Isolde takes us on a journey into the universe, to where Isolde perceives her lover Tristan resurrected, “shining among the stars”, as Wagner wrote.
The expressive team of singers is led by the heroic voice of tenor Bryan Register as Tristan and the Bayreuth-acclaimed soprano Catherine Foster as Isolde. Annika Schlicht makes her charismatic debut as Brangäne, while Andreas Jäpel powerfully portrays Tristan's friend Kurwenal. Dimitry Ivashchenko's profound bass characterises the tragedy of King Marke. This outstanding production was created on the stage of the Staatstheater Cottbus, which music critic Wolfgang Schreiber voted “Opera House of the Year” in 2023 in the magazine “Opernwelt”. He also honoured it as stage design of the year and praised Märki and Fürhofer‘s “interstellar vision of the world of Tristan and Isolde”.
English title Tristan and Isolde
Director Stephan MärkiI
Director Bettina Ehrhardt
Main Actor Bryan Register
Main Actor Catherine Foster

The Digital Concert Hall’s Christmas special offer
Berlin Phil Media GmbH
Receive a limited Barenboim edition on DVD/Blu-ray when you order a 12-month ticket to the Berliner Philharmoniker’s Digital Concert Hall by 31 December.

Gift the Stage this Christmas with our Box Sets
Opus Arte
Arabesques, arias or asides – Opus Arte box sets have got it covered this Christmas.

Blu-Ray: Carmen
As highlight of this year, Monarda Music presents a sensational filmed document from the musical legacy of Carlos Kleiber: Carmen (1978).

The Austrian Jazz Award Returns in Great Style
IMZ International Music + Media Centre
After a 15-year hiatus since the last presentation of the “Hans Koller Prize”, the Austrian Music Council (ÖMR) has successfully revived the Austrian Jazz Award, in an effort to shine a brighter spotlight on the country’s jazz scene.