
Young Generation - Joana Mallwitz

Author: C Major Entertainment

Joana Mallwitz and the Konzerthausorchester Berlin host a gala with brilliant soloists: Bomsori, Kian Soltani, Rafał Blechacz and more.

  • Young Generation: Joana Mallwitz conducts the Konzerthausorchester Berlin | Copyright: © Stefan Hoederath

    Young Generation: Joana Mallwitz conducts the Konzerthausorchester Berlin © Stefan Hoederath

A special gala concert from Berlin showcases a galaxy of new stars.

Joana Mallwitz conducts the Konzerthausorchester Berlin and is joined by a brilliant array of soloists: Bomsori, Kian Soltani and Rafał Blechacz take the stage for Beethoven’s Triple Concerto; Andrè Schuen sings Mahler’s “Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen”, and Bruce Liu is the piano soloist in Beethoven’s boundary-breaking Choral Fantasy, also featuring the RIAS Kammerchor Berlin. Further works by Beethoven and Brahms complete the programme for what promises to be an unforgettable concert.

Brahms: Akademische Festouvertüre
Beethoven: Triple Concerto, Choral Fantasy
Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen

Original title Young Generation: Joana Mallwitz conducts the Konzerthausorchester Berlin
Genre Concert
Conductor Joana Mallwitz
Orchestra / Band Konzerthausorchester Berlin
Soloist Bomsori, Kian Soltani, Rafał Blechacz, Andrè Schuen, Bruce Liu
Choir RIAS Kammerchor Berlin
Composer Ludwig van Beethoven
Original title of music work Triple Concerto
Composer Gustav Mahler
Original title of music work Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
Composer Ludwig van Beethoven
Original title of music work Choral Fantasy
Production Company Heliodor
Recording location Konzerthaus Berlin
Recording date 2023
Duration 105 mins



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