
The Invisible Hands

Author: WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo

Maverick underground American/ Lebanese musician and ethnomusicologist Alan Bishop, lands as a stranger in Cairo, soon after the 2011 uprisings and teams up with three young Egyptian musicians for the translation of his old songs into Arabic.

  • The Invisible Hands | Copyright: © Vertiginous

    © Vertiginous

Under Bishop's mentorship, this unlikely collaboration transforms into a band, The Invisible Hands. Structured around fly-on-the-wall scenes, archival ghost apparitions, absurd cameos and poetic diary narrations by Bishop, all unfolding between the two critical elections, that marked the post 'Arab Spring' period in Egypt, the film juxtaposes the tragicomedy of politics and art-making in the so-called periphery.

Directed by Marina Gioti & Georges Salameh
Duration 97’ | English, Arabic with English subtitles

Production Country and Year: Greece/Egypt, 2017
Produced by: Vertiginous
Producers: Marina Gioti, Georges Salameh
Director of Photography: Georges Salameh
Sound: Marina Gioti, Georges Salameh
Editor: Marina Gioti
Contact: Vertiginous



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IMZ International Music + Media Centre

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