
tanz:digital platform online now!

tanz:digital is a central streaming and knowledge platform for the professional dance scene in Germany. Register now to become part of tanz:digital!

  • PMD-ART_Foto_Sebastian Köckler | Copyright: © Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V.

    PMD-ART_Foto_Sebastian Köckler © Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V.

tanz:digital is a central streaming and knowledge platform for the professional dance scene in Germany. Our aim is to give those interested access to current and historical dance productions, films, documentaries and background information.

tanz:digital results from the collaboration between dance professionals, choreographers, dance institutions, dance archives and many other dance enthusiasts.

tanz:digital invites you: to participate and network. tanz:digital presents themes that move our past, future and present dance world. The editorial team establishes coherence between the contemporary and the historical and involves the community.

How to become part of tanz:digital? Create your profile, present your works and connect with like-minded people. Register now!



CCI Thrive Presentation at Avant Première

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

During the Innovation Day of Avant Première 2024, the presentation "CCI Thrive - seeing with new (CC)Eyes" showcased groundbreaking digital advancements intended to boost the competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries (CCI).

FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

The call for applications for the FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 is now open!

Open Letter ARGE

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

In early March, the ARGE penned an open letter addressed to the Austrian government, demanding that political leaders fulfill the promises made in their government programme regarding cultural diversity for the legislative period 2020-2024.

Sunny Side of the Doc 2024: Special Rates For IMZ Members

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

Last chance to submit your project and present + pitch to over 2200 factual content experts and gain exposure + visibility at the IMZ Umbrella Stand.


Benefit from exclusive insights + opportunties with a thematic variety of IMZ Mailings to choose from.

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