
Sunwook plays Beethoven’s last three Sonatas

Author: Accentus Music

Filmed at the KunstKraftwerk Leipzig, the Korean pianist’s masterful Beethoven interpretation is set in an exceptional cultural-industrial landmark.

  • Sunwook Kim plays Beethoven at Kunstraftwerk Leipzig | Copyright: © Accentus Music

    Sunwook Kim plays Beethoven at Kunstraftwerk Leipzig © Accentus Music

  • Sunwook Kim plays Beethoven at Kunstraftwerk Leipzig | Copyright: © Accentus Music

    Sunwook Kim plays Beethoven at Kunstraftwerk Leipzig © Accentus Music

  • Sunwook Kim plays Beethoven at Kunstraftwerk Leipzig | Copyright: © Accentus Music

    Sunwook Kim plays Beethoven at Kunstraftwerk Leipzig © Accentus Music

Large industrial complexes, built of solid brick tell the story of industrialization of 19th century Leipzig.
Where spinning wheels once rattled, chimneys smoked and thousands of workers carried out their daily work, new life has moved in over the past few years. Today, former factories are home to artists’ studios, galleries and manufactories. The term “industrial culture” is taken literally here.

The Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig is one of these buildings that tell the story of time and was now the chosen location for a very special video production: the exceptional Korean pianist Sunwook Kim played Ludwig van Beethoven’s last three Piano Sonatas op. 109-111 in an industrial setting framed by light projections that filled the brick hall. Beethoven’s last three piano sonatas occupy a very special place within his oeuvre. Completely deaf by then, the composer puts three of his most intimate and personal works on paper, which at the same time radiate optimism and point musically into the future like hardly any other works.

Ludwig van Beethoven
Piano Sonata No. 30in E major, op. 109
Piano Sonata No. 31 in A-flat major, op. 110
Piano Sonata No. 32 in C minor, op. 111

Sunwook Kim, piano

Directed by Ute Feudel
A production of Accentus Music
Available in September.

Soloist Sunwook Kim
Production Company Accentus Music GmbH
Composer Luwdig van Beethoven
Director Ute Feudel



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