

Author: Auditorium Films

Accustomed to prestigious stages in France, Sofiane Pamart is the first pianist in history to perform and sold out the Bercy's Accor Arena.

  • SOFIANE PAMART - DEAMBULATIONS | Copyright: © Auditorium Films

    © Auditorium Films

"Sofiane Pamart is one of the top 10 most streamed classical music artists in the world in 2022.

Accustomed to prestigious stages in France and abroad, Sofiane Pamart is the first pianist in history to perform at the Accor Arena Bercy and to make Sold Out of the legendary hall in its maximum capacity. A huge feat, achieved during the first solo tour of his career.

His musical universe is halfway between great film music and adventure stories. His work, both dark and poetic, embodies an emotional accuracy that allows him to reach a very wide audience, a great work accessible to all. 

In 2022 Sofiane Pamart released his second album LETTER which allows him to take another step in his dazzling career, by raising him to the rank of piano star. After the first tour of his career sold out several months in advance, Sofiane Pamart flies internationally, with a world tour throughout the year 2023."

Genre Live Show
Recording location Hotel Accord Arena, Bercy
Recording date 2023
Duration 64'
Video format HD
Production Company SOURDOREILLE
Director Nathan Bénisty
Musical style Classical



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