
Rokia Traoré live at the Unesco House

Author: Auditorium Films

Rokia Traoré and her musicians go back to the origin of each work to put it back in its historical and artistic context.

  • Rokia Traoré | Copyright: © Auditorium Films

    Rokia Traoré © Auditorium Films

  • Rokia Traoré | Copyright: © Auditorium Films

    Rokia Traoré © Auditorium Films

  • Rokia Traoré | Copyright: © Auditorium Films

    Rokia Traoré © Auditorium Films

Rokia Traoré has one of the most beautiful voices in Mali. This exceptional status allows this committed artist to spread her humanist ideals and griot tradition throughout the world. We meet the singer again at UNESCO House for a concert that takes us to the heart of the Mandingo country. The Malian artist takes this opportunity to present a concert called “Mandeka Classics”.

Flanked by Samba Diabaté (guitar), Habib Sangaré (bolon), Mamah Diabaté (n’goni) and Joel Massa Diarra (balafon), Rokia Traoré covers the most beautiful mandeka songs, these works which retranscribe in music the history of the Mandinka Empire. Great classics and popular hits find here their purest form.

Musical style World
Director Samuel Thiebaut
Duration 49'
Production year 2020
Distribution TV Auditorium Films



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