
Quarterly Critic’s Choice for Mahler 9 CD

The recording with Herbert Blomstedt and the Bamberger Symphoniker has been selected for the Fall 2020 list of the German Record Critics’ Award.

  • ACC30477 - PdSK Bestenliste 4/2019 | Copyright: © Accentus Music

    ACC30477 - PdSK Bestenliste 4/2019 © Accentus Music

  • Herbert Blomstedt, Bamberger Symphoniker | Copyright: © Andreas Herzau

    Herbert Blomstedt, Bamberger Symphoniker © Andreas Herzau

The jury states: “There are more than fifty recordings of Mahler's Ninth Symphony in the catalogue, so the question arises with each new recording: Do you need them? In the case of Herbert Blomstedt and the Bamberger Symphoniker, the answer is clearly ’yes’. Not because the conductor, now ninety-two, has for some time been stylized as the light figure of musical life, but because this recording is musically absolutely convincing.
Blomstedt lets the orchestra shine and sing without any pathos or sentimentality. Simplicity, intimacy and highest intensity characterize his music-making: whether Ländler or Burleske, everything is illuminated in a differentiated way, the gigantic Adagio finale turns into a shattering swan song, in an extraordinary sound cosmos.”

This exceptional recording is the first CD release with the Bamberger Symphoniker and their honorary conductor Herbert Blomstedt.

Gustav Mahler
Symphony No. 9 in D major

Herbert Blomstedt
Bamberger Symphoniker

Recorded at Konzerthalle Bamberg, Joseph-Keilberth-Saal, in June 2018
A coproduction with BR Klassik.

ACC30477 – 2 CDs
EAN: 4260234831986
Released worldwide in June 2019

Production Company Accentus Music GmbH
Assoc. Prod. Company BR-Klassik
Composer Gustav Mahler
Orchestra / Band Bamberger Symphoniker
Conductor Herbert Blomstedt



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