
Open letter by UNIC received an official response

Author: IMZ International Music + Media Centre

The letter called for ambitious EU budgetary measures and has received an official response from the European Commission.

  • Open letter by UNIC received an official response | Copyright: © John-Mark Smith

    © John-Mark Smith

  • UNIC Logo | Copyright: © UNIC

    UNIC Logo © UNIC

Accross Europe, many cultural activities have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely and millions of jobs in the cultural sectore are on the line. On 5 May 2020, UNIC – Union Internationale des Cinémas issued an open letter open letter addressed to the European Commission, which was signed by the IMZ among many other institutions.

The letter called for ambitious EU budgetary measures and received an official response from Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-president of the Commission for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, as well as Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President of the Commission for Promoting the European Way of Life, issued this response on behalf of European Commission President von der Leyen. The response highlights the Commission's awareness of the depth of this unprecedented crisis for Europe's cultural + creative sectors. Furthermore, the letter agrees on the relevance of culture for the EU and its unity and highlights the urgency for fast and efficient solutions to support creators + culture professionals.

You can read the full letter by clicking on the button below!



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