
Online training for film professionals in times of Covid-19

Author: IMZ International Music + Media Centre

Seize the broad variety of online training programmes for film producers, VOD platforms, distributors and more, supported by Creative Europe MEDIA!

  • Online training for film professionals in times of Covid-19 | Copyright: © Donald Tong

    © Donald Tong

The online workshop TFL Next - Audience Design targets film, media + digital professionals interested in gaining hands-on experience in the creation of innovative audience engagement strategies for film projects in development or pre-production stage. The course will take place in September 2020, the deadline to apply is 15 July!

With LFS LIVE!, London Film School offers online craft-based masterclasses, workshops and sessions across all levels for film professionals – some of these classes are free (e.g. "Documentary Producing: From Idea to Completion” or “In Conversation with Documentary Filmmaker Marc Isaacs”)!

Last but not least, the European VoD Meetings is the first European professional training especially conceived for the Video on Demand sector. It is organised by EuroVoD and co-funded by the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme. The deadline to register for the next edition is already passed, however it is worth it to stay tuned for more workshops!

Find out all about other courses supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA below!



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