
New Film: Carmen – Obsession in Isolation

Author: Unitel

Bergen National Opera's New Film is a murder mystery set for our times.

  • Carmen_Film | Copyright: © Unitel

    Carmen_Film © Unitel

Carmen is one the most performed operas in the world, but what happened after her brutal murder? Was the killer ever brought to justice?

In Bergen National Opera’s new film, Bizet's famous temptress becomes the obsession of the Norwegian journalist Mina Jensen during the Covid-19 lockdown. Carmen, a famous singer + internet sensation, was murdered five years ago, and her killer’s whereabouts are unknown. Mina Jensen, investigating the murder from her flat in Oslo, sets out on a mission to catch him.

Three star singers, amongst them one of the most sought after Carmens of our time, have lead roles in the film. They were all to appear in BNO’s cancelled production of Carmen. Joining the original cast as journalist Mina Jensen is BNO's artist-in-residence, soprano Beate Mordal.

So what to do when you have secured a top cast, but have no stage due to Covid-19? Quickly change the plan. With a brand new script, Norwegian film director Anders Lindstad set out to create a film with an addition to the plot: the context of lockdown. A complex filming situation emerged, as all singers had to be filmed in their home locations in Ukraine, Spain and the UK - to a new recording of Carmen with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. Bizet's music for the opera has been specially arranged by Stephen Higgins.

Production Company The film is produced by Peiling Film & TV for Bergen National Opera
Video format UHD
Production year 2020
Director Anders Lindstad
Duration 40:22'



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