
dancescreen 2019 Jury Announced

Author: IMZ International Music + Media Centre

Meet the dancescreen 2019 Jury! Jury members are experts in their fields and in 2019 again represent a varied expertise in dance film.

  • dancescreen 2019 jury | Copyright: © IMZ

    dancescreen 2019 jury © IMZ

The IMZ is proud to announce the dancescreen 2019 Jury!

From dance documentation, academic approaces and programming to broadcasting and choreography, jury members in 2019 again combine a variety of professional expertise:

Andrea Keiz
Freelance artist, Germany

Regina Lissowska-Postaremczak
Dance critic, choreographer, researcher, dance film programmer at Dances with Camera, Poland

Tero Saarinen
Artistic Director of Tero Saarinen Company, Dancer, Choreographer, Finland

Henrik von Sydow
Acquisitions Executive at SVT – Swedish Television, Sweden

Marisa Zanotti
Screen artist, United Kingdom

> Get to know more about the dancescreen 2019 Jury!

Stay tuned!
Preselected films are announced end of August!

Currently assessing all 200+ international films submitted the jury will present the preselected films for the competition by the end of August! All preselcted films are candidates for a dancescreen 2019 Award and will all be screened as part of the official festival screenings of dancescreen 2019 + TANZRAUSCHEN Festival Wuppertal from 21-24 November 2019 in Wuppertal, Germany. Film submitters find out if they are preselected on the dancescreen website!



IMZ at Sunny Side of the Doc

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

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IMC World Forum on Music

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

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IMZ International Music + Media Centre

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Direct-to-Disc recording with Bamberg Symphony

Accentus Music

The unique recording of Smetana’s “Má vlast” with the Bamberg Symphony and Jakub Hrusa will be available in 3-LP premium box set in early 2020.


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