
Magic Moments of Music

Author: sounding images

A brand-new episode of the successful ZDF/arte series “Magic Moments of Music” will be available soon: Showtime for Montserrat Caballé as Norma.

  • Montserrat Caballé in “Norma” | Copyright: © Piccagliani

    Montserrat Caballé in “Norma” © Piccagliani

Almost 10,000 people have come to hear Montserrat Caballé sing Norma. The organisers fear rain and thunder. The wind is rising. The spectacular Roman amphitheatre in Orange is full to bursting this day in 1974, the expectations of the performance run high. Montserrat Caballé braves all the inconveniences and like one inspired seems to transcend all the natural limits opera singers must cope with. Her Casta Diva whips the audience up into a frenzy. A film about a great singer and one of music's magic moments.

Milestone events in music are those rare occasions when suddenly everything gels: great artistry, unique circumstances, and the magic that outlives the moment. This series is dedicated to stellar musical events that gripped the whole world and thanks to film and television have remained unforgettable until today.

Previous episodes recently broadcasted on ARTE:

Berlin Wall Concert – Berliner Philharmoniker
Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow
Anne-Sophie Mutter and Herbert von Karajan – The Beethoven Concert
Maria Callas & Tosca

Production year 2020
Producer Holger Preuße
Director Claus Wischmann
Coproduction Company ZDF/arte
Coproducer Christopher Janssen



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Connect with the network – at the IMZ Member Session

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

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