International Emmy Awards Nominees Announced
Nominations for the 2018 International Emmy ® Awards were announced by the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. There are 44 Nominees across 11 categories and 20 countries. Winners will be announced at a black-tie Ceremony on November 19 2018 at the Hilton New York Hotel.
Nominees come from: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom & the United States.
"Look at the diversity & geographic spread of this year's nominations across all continents and platforms," said Bruce L. Paisner, President and CEO of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, "it is clear that excellence in television is a global phenomenon which transcends culture and language."
The IMZ sends heartfelt congratulations to all IMZ Members that were involved in nominated productions! Find the full list of nominees by clicking the button below!
Musica Pelos Poros (Music through my skin)
WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo
Music nowadays almost always comes to us as a product, something prepared and complete. The documentary shares the musical process of eleven musicians from across the world that come together at a residency at the Festival Artes Serrinha to improvise and surprise each other.
Die Zauberflöte from Salzburg Festival 2018
C Major Entertainment
Mozart’s timeless masterpiece at the Salzburg Festival – it doesn’t get much better than this!
Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe kicks off EFFE 2019-2020
IMZ International Music + Media Centre
Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe is moving forward towards 2019-2020. Initiated by the European Festivals Association (EFA) together with the European Commission and the European Parliament, EFFE will be calling for applications for the EFFE Label and Awards, Europe’s recognition of remarkable arts festivals committed to the arts, their communities and Europe.
WOMEX - The World Music Expo from 24-28 October 2018
WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo
Taking place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria this year, WOMEX is the most international music meeting in the world and the biggest conference of the global music scene, featuring a trade fair, talks, films and a showcase festival. WOMEX Film presents documentaries that portray music, movements and histories from across the world.