
Thank you for the Golden Prague 2017

Author: Czech Television

Czech Television would like to once again express warm thanks for your support and participation in 54th International Television Festival Golden Prague.

  • Golden Prague 2017 | Copyright: © Czech Television

    Golden Prague 2017 © Czech Television

For us, the organizers, it is essential that every year brings a lot of information, experiences, fun, incentives, and space for business negotiations. We really appreciate it.

Sincere congratulations to all the 2017 award winners!

You can watch the final gala evening, as it was seen by thousands of Czech TV viewers live and where prizes were awarded both to the winning films and important celebrities of world culture at

You can see the photos from the closing ceremony at

We hope that we will have the pleasure to meet you on the next year’s International Television Festival Golden Prague. The exact dates for the second half of September 2018 are soon to be confirmed.



CONCERTO FOR DEBUSSY by M. Guilloux & L. Grunberg

ARTE France

A film entirely dedicated to music and the too brief life of one of the most important composers of the turn of the 19th century and the early 20th.

Overcoming Boundaries and Building Bridges

Accentus Music

Filming for the Gidon Kremer portrait continues as Accentus Music follows this great musician to Moscow, the starting point of his international career.

Donizetti: Don Pasquale from Vienna State Opera

C Major Entertainment

Donizetti’s Don Pasquale in a cheeky, highly entertaining new staging by Irina Brook featuring a splendid cast, led by star-tenor Juan Diego Flórez.

Join us at the Avant Première from 17-21 February 2018!

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

Avant Première Music + Media Market Berlin is the largest trade fair for cultural TV content and performing arts in audiovisual media, showcasing more than 600 film productions!


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