
Get Ready For The Pitching Session

Author: IMZ International Music + Media Centre

You have a great idea for a dance film? But no idea where to get your ressources? Get expert's advice in the dancescreen Pitching Session!

  • Get ready For The Pitching Session! | Copyright: © IMZ

    Get ready For The Pitching Session! © IMZ

Take the next big step to finalise your dance film project!

The dancescreen 2019 Pitching Session is there to help you overcome those challenges you face when producing a dance film:
You need other co-producers to get it done?
You want to make sure you work on a format that broadcasters will accept?
You wish to feedback your idea with successful producers of the industry?

Do you miss decent funding? The Experts of the dancescreen Pitching Session will help you identfy those funding ressources suitable for you project.

Join us and send us your project idea!

We call aspiring as well as established film producers to join and take the next big step in the realisation of their film project! The dancescreen Pitching Session follows dancescreen's overall aim to promote dance films worldwide, by supporting the emergence and dissemination of new dance film productions.

Apply from September - mid of October 2019!

Presenters in the dancescreen 2019 Pitching Session need to apply by uploading their project proposal on the dancescreen website.



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