
fidelio wins Staatspreis Marketing 2019

Author: myfidelio

fidelio won the of the Austrian Staatspreis Marketing 2019 in the category “digital marketing”.

  • Managing Director Mag. Georg Hainzl and fidelio-Team member Birgit Mülleder receive the Staatspreis Marketing | Copyright: © Silveri Matthias

    Managing Director Mag. Georg Hainzl and fidelio-Team member Birgit Mülleder receive the Staatspreis Marketing © Silveri Matthias

The “Staatspreis Marketing” is awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs that honours exceptional and innovative achievements in the field of marketing. The jury of this year’s Staatspreis Marketing voted unanimously for fidelio in the brand new category “digital marketing”. Criteria for evaluation were: economical relevance, originality and innovation, efficiency and marketing goals.

The jury was impressed by fidelio’s well thought-out and customer-oriented marketing strategy which includes a mix of classical and digital marketing tools. They emphasized on the importance of keeping up with the fast-paced digital evolution and that fidelio manages to reach older and younger audiences with its user friendly streaming services.



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