
Festive Reopening of the Kulturpalast Dresden

Author: Accentus Music

One of Dresden’s most important concert halls is reopened with two festive concerts with the Dresden Philharmonic and the Festspielorchester Dresden.

  • Dresdner Philharmonie | Copyright: © Marco Borggreve

    Dresdner Philharmonie © Marco Borggreve

  • Kulturpalast Dresden | Copyright: © Dresdner Philharmonie

    Kulturpalast Dresden © Dresdner Philharmonie

  • Festspielorchester Dresden | Copyright: © Oliver Killig

    Festspielorchester Dresden © Oliver Killig

Following the opening of the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie and the Pierre-Boulez-Saal in Berlin, the Dresden Kulturpalast will be reopening in a few weeks. After a three-and-a-half-year hiatus for the hall's reconstruction, the Dresden Philharmonic will play a festive opening concert in the new hall on April 28, 2017. Two days later, the Dresden Festival Orchestra will play a special concert of the Dresden Music Festival.

Performing under the direction of Michael Sanderling, Julia Fischer and Matthias Goerne are among the soloists appearing at the festive concert of the Dresden Philharmonic. The program includes Mendelssohn’s violin concerto, lieder by Schubert and Beethoven's Ninth with its famous choral finale based on Schiller's "Ode to Joy". The concert of the Festspielorchester Dresden under the direction of Ivor Bolton will feature works by Weber, Beethoven, and Schumann; the soloists are Nicola Benedetti, Alexander Melnikov, and Jan Vogler.

Accentus Music will be broadcasting both concerts live on Arte Concert. The highlights of the opening weekend will be broadcast later on Arte.

The landmarked Kulturpalast, located in the heart of Dresden, has a long history. The new concert hall is the centerpiece of the building. Following the reconstruction, the hall offers the Dresden Philharmonic optimal spatial and acoustic conditions for the first time in its nearly 150-year history.

A production of Accentus Music in co-production with ZDF/Arte.
28/30 April 2017, Kulturpalast Dresden

Production Company Accentus Music
Co-Production Company ZDF/Arte
Orchestra / Band Dresden Philharmonic, Festspielorchester Dresden
Conductor Michael Sanderling, Ivor Bolton
Recording location Kulturpalast Dresden



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