Check Out the Updated Festival Programme
Around the screenings: Enjoy a state-of-the-art screen dance market.
Meet the international dance and dance film community invaried programme of lectures, the dancescreen 2019 Pitching Session, one-on-one expert meetings, VR presentations and artificial intelligence exhibitions ranging from dance and fashion, animation, to digital art.
Exchange with peers from all over the world and take advantage of approaching experts and potential business partners! The Sceen Dance Market is designed to stimulate and establish new forms of cooperation for the local and international creative industries, an exchange of producers in the field of film, choreography and dance.

WOMEX 19 Full Programme and Schedule
IMZ International Music + Media Centre
WOMEX 19 presents 17 documentaries from across the globe as part of the official film programme in Tampere (Finland).

EBU-IMZ Lifetime Achievement Award – Golden Prague
Czech Television
Gabrielle Babin Gugenheim and Anca-Monica Pandelea received the EBU-IMZ Lifetime Achievement Award at the 56th Golden Prague Festival.

Golden Prague Festival Prizes
Czech Television
56th Golden Prague Festival is over and we know the winners!

Venice TV Award Announced Winners 2019
Venice TV Award
Winners revealed in Performing Arts, Documentary, TV Series and other categories. Masterpieces from 28 countries were rewarded this year at the Venice TV Award.