
Fedora Digital Prize

The FEDORA Digital Prize aims at advocating new ways of artistic expression and access to opera + ballet through digital innovation. The IMZ will be part of the expert jury and assess all digital projects.

  • Fedora Digital Prize | Copyright: © FEDORA/ Ashwin Vaswani

    © FEDORA/ Ashwin Vaswani

The IMZ is proud to join forces with FEDORA, the platform aiming at nurturing European innovation + creativity and at increasing the reach and accessibility of opera + ballet.

The FEDORA Digital Prize intends to encourage artistic innovation in opera + ballet through digital experimentation and to advocate new ways of interactions with audiences through digital tools and performance. Furthermore, the goal is also to stimulate new collaborative approaches through digital innovation across different media. Last but not least, the FEDORA Digital Prize supports the winning project with 50.000€ for the winning project.

The call is for innovative + interdisciplinary digital opera + ballet projects advancing artistic creativity on and beyond the stage – native digital, digital only projects as well as a combination with some element of performance or live experience are within the scope of the call (e.g. learning projects, masterclasses, communications, live participation, audience access...). Also eligible are projects offering a new audience experience or enabling new access to opera + ballet.

Submission is open until 13 December 2019. The IMZ will select the projects to be published in February for the call for public votes. The final nominees will engage in crowdfunding campaigns as of spring, with FEDORA supporting the campaigns. A jury of experts will choose the final winners, who will be announced during the annual Award Ceremony in July.

FEDORA - The European Circle of Philanthropists of Opera and Ballet aims at supporting the renewal of opera and ballet. As an association made up of philanthropists from all over Europe, they aim at gathering opera + ballet enthusiasts who share the same vision of excellence.



Live stream of Jenůfa

Czech Television

Czech Television transmitted one of the most famous operas by Leoš Janáček when it was live streamed on OperaVision on 2 October 2019.

This was WOMEX 2020

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

The 25th Anniversary edition of WOMEX has come to an end! Taking place from 23-27 October in Tampere, Finnland, WOMEX proved to be one of the most diverse music meetings worlwide.

Iolanta / The Nutcracker wins CHOC of the year

Bel Air Media

Dmitri Tcherniakov's production of Tchaikovsky's ”Iolanta / The Nutcracker” at the Paris Opera has been awarded the CHOC de Classica of the year!


Czech Television

Live recording of Leoš Janáček’s famous opera by Czech Television.


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