
“Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas has heft and beauty“

Author: Riddle Films

Canada's Globe & Mail says Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas "...has heft and beauty," and anyone attending Avant Première can see it at its market screening!

  • David Wall in Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas | Copyright: © Riddle Films

    David Wall in Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas © Riddle Films

The reviews are in! Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, calls Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas "...a fabulously informative and fun new performing arts good you want it to last longer than an hour -
an arts program of heft and beauty." You can read the full review by visiting the link provided.

Anyone attending Avant Première can see the film at its market screening on Monday 19 February at 14:45 in the Screening Hall at the Scandic Hotel. Writer and producer, Jason Charters, will be in attendance.

Please join us!

Original title Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas
Production year 2017
Director Larry Weinstein
Author Jason Charters
Production Company Riddle Films
Co-Production Company MoDemay, CBC, NDR, ARTE, SVT, RSI, YLE, NRK, ORF, The documentary Channel



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