This was the Digital Cross Over workshop on growth facilitation for digital platforms
This online workshop on 22 April in the course of the IMZ-led EU project Digital Cross Over focused on cross-sectoral activities + growth facilitation for digital platforms in Europe.
What are possible ways to facilitate growth for digital platforms? How can cross-sectoral activities help to grow further? What prevents your sector from expanding?
These were the key questions of the Digital Cross Over workshop on 22 April online. Among the participants were representatives from the following 7 sectors, all active in digital: Music, Comics streaming, Gaming, Publishing, Performing artists, Film/TV, and the Performing Arts/AV.
- The goals of the workshop were:
- to identify the growth drivers for each participant in their sector
- to understand how to learn + profit from other sectors in the creative industries
- to discuss how to find the best support by public + private funding institutions.
The outcome will be used as recommendations for public + private institutions to promote cross sectorial activities, presented at the Online Final Presentation on 15 June.
Thanks to all participants for sharing the valuable and highly important expertise of their sector!
The EU project Digital Cross Over, led by the IMZ International Music + Media Centre in cooperation with Ars Electronica, Börsenvereinsgruppe, Centrica and Izneo, is focusing on cross-sector innovations and the potential of synergies + cooperation. As part of the Creative Europe funding programme of the European Commission, this project aims at bridging culture + audiovisual content through digital technologies.
Music Traveler TV – The fair streaming platform
Only Hands Small
Music Traveler announces the release of their streaming platform Music Traveler TV, where artists can stream & monetize quality content.
Share your expertise in our Digital Cross Over survey!
IMZ International Music + Media Centre
Participate now in our survey on cross-sector innovations + cooperations and help tackle current issues of the creative + cultural industries.
Falstaff by Giuseppe Verdi
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The hilarious misadventures of the old knight Sir John Falstaff, in III Acts.
Roberto Alagna & Aleksandra Kurzak live in concert
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