
CCI Thrive makes another Step towards Functionality

Author: IMZ International Music + Media Centre

Using traction of past discernments CCI Thrive develops further areas of insight.

  • CCI Thrive makes another Step towards Functionality | Copyright: © CCI Thrive

    © CCI Thrive

After identifying areas of usage and groups to benefit from this new approach of understanding of data sharing within the CCI-sector, now made another step towards application.

The benefitting sectors are:
• Architecture
• Audio-visual
• Books and publishing
• Music
• Performing Arts

Possible individuals to use CCI Thrives big data analysis are:

• Producers (author, film producer, composer, story developer etc.)
• Programme designers (exhibition, performance, TV, cinema)
• Economic / business decision-makers

The vision adopted by the CCI Thrive project and its consortium, is to encourage organisations and businesses in the Creative and Cultural Industry to reconsider their economic possibilities as data creator, owners, custodians and brokers.

With the aim to integrate findings and conclusions into business-driven application. The IMZ and its partners, who combine technical expertise with sector intelligence, are pressing for new insights into the arts and culture ecosystem. Betaseries, Centrica and Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision, will start developing the demonstrator as the first component for a platform that will enable to build upon and reuse beyond the project. For this, they will need fitting data sets for a test bed to demonstrate the principal functionality and operation of such a solution.

Once the first version of the fully functional demonstrator is up and running (expected in 2024), we will engage with industry partners as test users to better understand what they are missing.

So, stay tuned! Things are on the horizon. We will be presenting CCI Thrive this year on the Ars Electronica Festival from 6-10 September 2023.

Read about the findings in more detail at:



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