
2018: The European Year of Cultural Heritage

The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 kicks off

  • 2018: The European Year of Cultural Heritage | Copyright: © EU

    © EU

In Milan, Tibor Navracsics, the Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport launched the year at the European Culture Forum 2017. He was joined by 800 participants, including Indrek Saar, Minister of Culture of Estonia, Dario Franceschini, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism of Italy, and Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament.

In addition to the European Cultural Forum in Milan, bear in mind these upcoming meetings:

22 February: Vilnius, Lithuania

18-24 June 2018: Save the date - The European Cultural Heritage Summit will be taking place in Berlin, Germany.

The summit will be the largest gathering of cultural heritage stakeholders, as well as attendees from the European Institutions, representatives from the Member States and civil society organisations. It promises a programme full of debate and discussion - see you there!



Autumn Sonata by Sebastian Fagerlund

Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company

Market Screening "Autumn Sonata" at Avant Première 2018: Tuesday 20 February 2018,13:30 - 14:30 at Scandic Hotel Potsdamer Platz, Screening Hall.

The IMZ congratulates all ICMA Winners!

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

We wholeheartedly congratulate all ICMA Winners for receiving such a prestigous and important award. The International Classical Music Awards have become one of the most respected benchmarks of musical excellence.

ICMA Award for Beethoven CD Box

Accentus Music

“Best Collection” ICMA award for the CD Box with all Beethoven Symphonies under the baton of Herbert Blomstedt.

Avant Première Screenings

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

Avant Première 2018 sets new records: At Avant Première 2018 almost 70 international companies will present exclusive previews to more than 600 performing arts films, a volume and diversity that is unparalleled!


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