
Around the world with a Stradivarius

Author: Bel Air Media

In 2019 the cellist Camille Thomas is invited by the Nippon Music Foundation to receive and play an 18th century Stradivarius for the whole year.

  • Camille Thomas doc | Copyright: © Bel Air Media

    Camille Thomas doc © Bel Air Media

At the end of September 2019, French-Belgian cellist Camille Thomas is invited to Japan, Tokyo, by the Nippon Music Foundation to receive and play a 18th century Stradivarius, that the Foundation generously lend to her for the whole year.
An entire year full of emotions and projects during which Camille has to honour this magnificent exceptional cello.
From New York to Tokyo, through Paris, Brussels, Salzburg and Dubaï, Camille Thomas discovers with her new instrument the acoustics of the different rooms, the reactions of the public, the climates, the approach of the different directories and formations.

Genre Documentary
Production year 2021
Duration 52 minutes
Production Company Bel Air Media
Director Martin Mirabel



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